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PokerBaazi Blogs

With the growing passion of poker all over the world, the interest of poker players is not limited to just playing day and night. They are also interested in experiencing the fancy aura of the poker circuit. Professional players are seen today with some of…

PokerBaazi Team PRO Maria Kirloskar Recently, I came across an article by Barry Carter, the editor of and the co-author of The Mental Game of Poker 1 & 2, in which he says that the new recreational poker player is more likely to come…

It is correctly said that it takes a minute to learn poker games, but a lifetime to master. Very few people have both immediate and long-term success from the moment they first sit down at the table. Instead, most beginners make huge blunders that cost…

Bluffing in Poker is one of the essential skills that are to be learned in online poker games. It is a strategy used in various competitive games, especially games that involve deception to mislead opponents. The thrill that a game of Poker holds can be…