Concentration is something that is important in all spheres of life, especially while playing poker. How to increase concentration is a common question but it is a rare and remarkable quality of any successful poker player. How many times have you found yourself staring at the wall for no reason, while you initially sat down to play poker?

Plenty! Right? There are times, when you despite your best intentions, the ability to concentrate falters. Your mind loves freedom and constantly wanders in all directions, driving you away from your game.

Learning how to improve concentration is very important to win an online poker game and hence, you need a very high level of concentration and attention span. Concentration depends upon the ability to focus.

Even a half hour of focused effort can get more done than an entire day of distraction and multitasking. A high level of concentration is the key to success in practically everything you’ll ever do in life.

Tips to get into a state of deep concentration in order to successfully accomplish your games

1) Fix your priorities

Before you commence with your game, make a list of everything you have to do and prioritize them so that you can have an unoccupied mind. You will be without fear that you’ll forget something. Make a list of what is to be done when. 

For example- Washing dishes at 9, Pending office work at 11 and so on. This won’t muddle up your mind and you’ll be able to play your game smoothly.

2) Get rid of the distractions

You just placed a bet and then your mobile phone rings. You jump towards it to check the emails, and an hour later, find yourself browsing through social media. This is what the distraction is. In order to concentrate at the task in hand, you need to get rid of all the distractions. So, dump all your distractions aside before you sit down to play a game.

Also See: Poker Game Superheroes

3) Fuel your mind

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. If you skip breakfast, adrenaline will rise, leading to stress. Your breakfast should consist of carbohydrates, high proteins, and low sugar to boost concentration for the day.

4) Use Caffeine Wisely

Billions of people around the globe start the day with traditional caffeinated drinks like tea, coffee etc. Caffeine can definitely provide you with a temporary energy boost and in turn help you maintain focus and concentrate, but only if it is consumed wisely. So, avoid excessive consumption.

5) Get a good sleep

A simple way to practice how to increase focus is to take at least a six-seven hour rest for relaxation and rejuvenation of your mind. A fresh mind can concentrate more easily.

6) Stay hydrated

Most of us don’t pay heed to the need of keeping our bodies hydrated. Dehydration can make us tired, slow, irritable and also sick. When your brain is dehydrated, it cannot function at its best. Thus, staying hydrated can help you pay attention to the present moment.

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7) Take a stroll

Research has shown that regular walking can help you to understand how to improve concentration during the day. Thus take out some time from your schedule and take a walk in the fresh air for some time.

8) Make sure you’re comfortable

Before you begin with your game, make sure that you are comfortable. Ensure your chair and desk are at the right level for you to play the game comfortably. If you feel uncomfortable due to any factor, you may get irritated and move away.

9) Reward self

Rewarding yourself can be great motivation. Before you start playing, set a target and promise yourself that if you accomplish, you will reward yourself with something. For example- If you win some amount, you can take a break and grab the ice-cream kept in the fridge!

10) Concentration Exercises

There are some exercises which boost your power of concentration such as looking at a round spot on the wall with full attention, fixing the gaze on the fingers, concentrating on opening and closing your fist, yoga, self-hypnosis, etc.

You can also keep the TV on with something interesting, but not consuming or listening to music on an iPod to help you get rid of boredom. It can help you in the down time and will also help you keep a track of what’s happening at the table.

Classic poker tournament

Practice these habits right away and see visible changes in your next game. Meanwhile, the Classics are running full throttle on the PokerBaazi app. Starting from 31st till 7th of August, we say you join them and play the classics every day of the week and win from a prize pool of 6 Crore GTD.

See you at the tables!